"Undercover Our Story"

ZayBella Fashion Studio is a small jewelry firm situated in Florida that was founded by a mother who wanted to be a mirror and encouragement for her daughter to pursue her aspirations, as well as to inspire other women to trust in their own ability to actualize their dreams.

Our company was founded on the premise of "Empowering Women". In the future, we hope to offer girls' accessories, women's clothing, and men's accessories. Where you can get whatever you need. One of my passions is assisting other women in feeling good about themselves.

Since my daughter's birth, I've been thinking about how to be a mirror for her, first and foremost modeling to her a REAL Gospel and secondly, how to be a reflection and encouragement for my daughter to pursue her aspirations. I chose to pursue my love and turn it into a job with a personal touch. All of my jewelry is handcrafted using the highest quality materials at reasonable costs, allowing everyone to shine.

Finally, my objective is to provide a good example for other women, not just my daughter. ZayBella Fashion Studio was founded to inspire and remind us that we all have the ability to make our dreams come true.